Tout sur la gestion des risques en santé
                et la sécurité du patient

Sacrifices et arbitrages en qualité et sécurité des soins

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2004 - La sécurité du patient.


Woolf, S. Patient Safety Is Not Enough: Targeting Quality Improvements To Optimize the Health of the population January 6, 2004 vol. 140 no. 1 33-36


Ensuring patient safety is essential for better health care, but preoccupation with niches of medicine, such as patient safety, can inadvertently compromise outcomes if it distracts from other problems that pose a greater threat to health. The greatest benefit for the population comes from a comprehensive view of population needs and making improvements in proportion with their potential effect on public health; anything less subjects an excess of people to morbidity and death. Patient safety, in context, is a subset of health problems affecting Americans. Safety is a subcategory of medical errors, which also includes mistakes in health promotion and chronic disease management that cost lives but do not affect “safety.” These errors are a subset of lapses in quality, which result not only from errors but also from systemic problems, such as lack of access, inequity, and flawed system designs. Lapses in quality are a subset of deficient caring, which encompasses gaps in therapeutics, respect, and compassion that are undetected by normative quality indicators. These larger problems arguably cost hundreds of thousands more lives than do lapses in safety, and the system redesigns to correct them should receive proportionately greater emphasis. Ensuring such rational prioritization requires policy and medical leaders to eschew parochialism and take a global perspective in gauging health problems. The public's well-being requires policymakers to view the system as a whole and consider the potential effect on overall population health when prioritizing care improvements and system redesigns.

Mon avis

Un intéressant plaidoyer qui sera repris par Degos en 2009 sur ce qui fait périmètre dans la sécurité du patient : faut-il se concentrer sur la technique pour réduire les erreurs au pied du patient, ou aussi se préoccuper de l’accès et de variables plus systémiques (personnels, attitudes avec le patient, etc…). Un très bon article.