Voici une sélection d'articles sur les walkrounds, les visites de risques et leur impact sur la sécurité des soins.
Heip, T., Van Hecke, A., Malfa’it, S., Van Biesen, W., & Eeckloo, K. (2022). The effects of interdisciplinary bedside rounds on patient Centeredness, quality of care, and team collaboration: a systematic review. Journal of patient safety, 18(1), e40.
Graham S. , Brookey J., Steadman C., Patient Safety Executive Walkrounds, doc internet Kayser Permanente
Frankel, A., Graydon-Baker E., Neppl C., Simmonds T., Gustafon M., Gandhi T. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety , January 2003 Volume 29 Number 1
Thomas E., Bryan Sexton J., Neilands T., Frankel A., Helmreich R. The effect of executive walk rounds on nurse safety climate attitudes: A randomized trial of clinical units, BMC Health Services Research 2005, 5:28
Rotteau, L, Shojania K., Webster F. I Think We Should Just Listen and Get Out’: A Qualitative Exploration of Views and Experiences of Patient Safety Walkrounds . BMJ Quality & Safety 23, no 10 (10 janvier 2014): 823‑29.
Hua M. Luna S. Assessing the Effects of Executive WalkRounds on Safety Climate Attitudes in the OR Setting at a Tertiary HospitalAmerican Journal of Medical Quality 2014, Vol. 29(3) 260– 261
Singer S., Tucker A. The evolving literature on safety WalkRounds: emerging themes and practical messages, BMJ Qual Saf 2014;23: 789–800.
Sexton B., Sharek P., Thomas E. Gould J., Nisbet C., Amspoket A., Kowalkowski M., Schwendimann, Profit J., Exposure to Leadership WalkRounds in neonatal intensive care units is associated with a better patient safety culture and less caregiver burnoutBMJ Qual Saf 2014;23:814–822.
Singer S., Tucker A. The evolving literature on safety WalkRounds: emerging themes and practical messages, BMJ Qual Saf 2014;23: 789–800.
Ratelle JT, Sawatsky AP, Kashiwagi DT, et al Implementing bedside rounds to improve patient-centred outcomes: a systematic review BMJ Qual Saf Published Online First: 17 September 2018. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2017-007778